Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wizardswithguns SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WizardsWithGuns/ Insta: @wizardswithguns Twitter: @WWG_TV TikTok: wizardswithguns -I've give ya 350 for it. -Oh no sorry I'm not here to pawn anything, we're just huge fan of the show so we wanted to stop by and -I'll give you 650 best I can do. -Are you talking about my apple watch? Again I'm not trying to- -900 that's as high as I'll go. -Oh wow, I mean sure... That's like three times what it's worth so I guess you can- -Not you're watch, the kid. -The kid? You mean my son? Are... are you seriously trying to buy my son? I could never sell- -I'll let you play with my dad's neck goosle for 45 minutes while Chum Lee cheers you on best I can do. -DEAL! Music: Lord of the Land - Kevin Macleod #pawnstars #comedy #sketchcomedy